Nidhi's Blog

Monday, November 13, 2006

I have been rather quiet!

There has been a lull in my golf blogging! We have been busy after our return from India. Mainly my thought process was off course, similar to my drive! Great news is, Neil, my grand son is visiting Bangkok next week. I am looking forward to golfing with him once he settles down and gets used to the heat!

While at Bangalore, I heard this comment about my blog being too serious! Too much philosophy! I suppose we all get type cast into roles by intent or by accident! I am sure the intial comments of friends on my blog had some effect. They spoke of Bhakthi thru golf and I get back to this 'pilgrimage' theme often. I do try to keep an Indian bias in my writings! May be I should try to get humourous. It may turn out be as hilarious as Peter Sellers imitating Indians in his movie!

You might have noticed that I have links to 'golfchick' and 'New2golf'. I enjoy reading these blogs as they are also new to golf and have put in a lot of hard work at the same time are enjoying themselves! Try the links out if you have not already done. You will also get some well tried out tips and most important will help you to keep up your enthusiasm!

I saw this on the web. Especially good for us Seniors if your partners agree!

(only applies to Seniors) RULE 1.a. A ball sliced or hooked into the rough shall be lifted and placed on the fairway at a point equal to the distance it carried or rolled into the rough with no penalty. The senior should not be penalized for uncontrollable mechanical phenomena.

RULE 2.d.6(b) A ball hitting a tree shall be deemed not to have hit the tree. This is simply bad luck and luck has no place in a scientific game.The player must estimate the distance the ball would have traveled if it had not hit the tree and play the ball from there.

RULE 3.b.3(g) There shall be no such thing as a lost ball. The missing ball is on or near the course and will eventually be found and pocketed by someone else, making it a stolen ball. The player is not to compound the felony by charging him or herself with a penalty.

RULE 4 (7a) If a putt passes over a hole without dropping, it is deemed to have dropped. The law of gravity supersedes the law of golf.

RULE 5. Putts that stop close enough to the cup that they could be blown in, may be blown in. This does not apply to balls more than three inches from the hole. No one wants to make a travesty of the game.

RULE 6.a.9(k) There is no penalty for so-called "out of bounds." If penny-pinching golf club owners bought sufficient land, this would not occur. The golfer deserves an apology, not a penalty.

RULE 7.g.15(z) There is no penalty for a ball in a water hazard, as golf balls should float. That they do not is a technical problem that manufacturers have to correct. Senior Golfers should not be punished for manufacturer's shortcomings.

RULE 8.d.19(q) There is no penalty for a ball going into a canyon on desert courses. This is a technical problem and when the golf manufactures retire they will correct this manufacturing defect.

RULE 9.k.9(s) Advertisements claim that golf scores can be improved by purchasing new clubs, balls, shoes etc. Since this is financially impractical for the average Senior Golfer, a stroke per hole may be subtracted for using old equipment."

Link to the site for more golf humor:


  • and here is another for more jokes about us!

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